Decoding TikTok Slang: From POV to Ratio, Unraveling the Lingo


Here are the explanations for the TikTok slang terms you mentioned:

1.- What does POV mean on TikTok,

As mentioned earlier, "POV" means "point of view". TikTok creators use the term to contextualize their videos and provide a perspective or scenario for viewers to imagine themselves in.

2. What does the ratio mean on TikTok,

"Ratio" on TikTok refers to a situation where a comment receives significantly more replies than likes. This means that the comment or opinion expressed is unpopular or disliked by the TikTok community.

3. What does ASF mean on TikTok,

"ASF" stands for "As Fuck". It is used to emphasize something or express a high degree of intensity.

4. What does the W stand for on TikTok?

The word "W" means "win." It is often used as a congratulatory message.

5. What does SMH mean on TikTok,

“SMH” means shaking one's head in response to something. It signifies sadness, surprise, or dislike.

6. What does Mid mean on TikTok,

"Medium" is a term used to describe something of mediocre or average quality. It can refer to various aspects, such as music, fashion, or even a person's appearance.

7. What does NFS mean on TikTok,

NFS stands for "Not for Sale". On TikTok, it's often used in the context of a user showing off an item or possession they're proud of but aren't willing to sell.

8. What does BBL mean on TikTok,

When someone needs a break or wants to leave the conversation temporarily, "BBL" means "come back later."

9. What does AS mean on TikTok,

AS" is an abbreviation for age/sex. It is often used to ask someone's age and gender in comments or private messages.

10. What does FYP mean on TikTok,

As mentioned earlier, "FYP" stands for "For You Page". It's used when someone comments on a video, hoping to show it to more people on the TikTok algorithm.

11.- What does DTB mean on TikTok,

"DTB" stands for "Down to Business". It is usually used to express a desire or eagerness to focus on a particular subject or task.

12. What does Rizz mean on TikTok?

“Rizz” is a dialect term used to describe individuals who appear attractive or beautiful on TikTok.

13. What does Slay mean on TikTok?

      As mentioned earlier, "kill" means doing something unusual or looking amazing. It is used to praise someone's style, appearance, or performance.

14. What does NPC mean on TikTok?

NPC" is an abbreviation for "Non-Player Character". In TikTok slang, it is often used to describe someone who lacks individuality or independent thinking, basically like a background character in real life.

15. What does fake mean on TikTok,

 Something or someone that is not verified or original we called it is a fake. It can refer to fake personas, behaviors, or impersonations.


It's worth noting that slang terms on TikTok can evolve quickly, so it's always a good idea to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and context to fully understand their meaning.


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